It all started when a group of women saw a need to visit local strip clubs to offer up a word of encouragement, genuine friendship and a glimpse of The Word.

Who We Are

We are women from all walks of life, all different ages, married, single, moms, sisters, and friends. Our intentions are to meet women right where they are without any judgement, without any preaching and without asking for anything in return. We desire for them to recognize that we value, respect, and love them but that the God who created them, loves them, love us so much more that He bled crimson red to show us. We believe that the only way to experience a life of freedom, a life we were created for and a purposed life can only happen when we surrender our hearts to our One True Gentleman, Jesus.

At Love Links, we are intentional about keeping the confidence of the clubs we visit and the people we meet. While we know that there is a connection between the sex industry and Human Trafficking, we take our role of Messengers seriously. We want to bring education to those that are unaware, but more importantly, we want to help women walk into a place of freedom as Daughters of the King.

Our Objectives

  • Visit local go-go/strip clubs once a month
  • Gather and distribute information on local resources (i.e. safe-houses, counseling, rehabilitation centers)
  • Educate the community on the sex industry via speaking engagements at churches, outreach organizations, etc.
  • Raising money to help other organizations globally, but more importantly, locally.

Interested In Volunteering?

Become an Outreach Volunteer

No Strings Attached

Though we are a faith-based organization, there are no faith requirements to attend programs and receive services from Love Links.

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